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Meet Our Staff

About Us

Midwest Dairy has a staff of more than 60 employees who are proud to be working for dairy farmers founded in science and research to build trust and demand for delicious, nutritious dairy products throughout the region.

Executive Team

  • Corey Scott, Chief Executive Officer
  • Trudy Wastweet, Chief Strategy Officer

Leadership Contacts

  • Beth Bruck-Upton, Vice President, Business Unit Operations–West (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska)
  • Bridget Sheehan, Vice President, Business Unit Operations–South (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma)
  • Eir Garcia Silva, Vice President, Dairy Experience, Marketing
  • Jay Edenborg, Vice President, Corporate Communications
  • Lela Fausze, Vice President, Dairy Experience, Sustainable Nutrition
  • Martha Kemper, Vice President, Dairy Experience, Business Development
  • Melissa Young, Vice President, Business Unit Operations–East (Iowa, Illinois)
  • Mitch Schulte, Vice President, Ag Affairs
  • Scott Gilray, Vice President, Business Unit Operations–North (Minnesota)
  • Wendy Meck, Vice President, Accounting
Contact Management Staff

Farmer Relations Staff

Our Farmers Relations staff is here to help you.

Stacy Dohle

Mariah Busta

Kendra Anderson

Ron Grusenmeyer

Shannon Watrin
Jenna Davis

Stacy Dohle
Ron Grusenmeyer

Tracy J. Behnken

North Dakota
Beth Bruck-Upton

Stacy Dohle

South Dakota
Tom Peterson

Contact Farmer Relations

Sustainable Nutrition Staff

If you have questions about expanding the availability of dairy foods in your school or would like more information about the nutrition benefits of dairy foods, contact a member of our Sustainable Nutrition staff.

Business Development Staff

If you would like more information about how to maximize your dairy sales at retail, contact a member of our Business Development staff.

Marketing Communications Staff

If you would like information about how to participate in the national Undeniably Dairy campaign or are looking for tools and resources to more easily share information about the goodness of dairy foods with your audiences, contact a member of our Marketing Communications staff.