Midwest Dairy’s inaugural Too Good to Forget experience recently introduced Kansas State (K-State) students, high school prospects, and educators to environmental dairy sustainability messages to increase their perception of dairy. Student participation from the K-State Dairy Science Club and Ad & PR program ensured feedback from Generation Z (Gen Z) was incorporated into event planning – a full-circle opportunity that crystallized Midwest Dairy’s partnership with the spring 2023 advertising and public relations capstone course.
Held over two afternoons, about 700 single scoops of ice cream drew students to remember why they love dairy. Environmental message banners with fact sourcing, website resources scannable by QR codes, and dairy takeaway engaged students. Students were also incentivized to complete an online survey sharing more about their perceptions of dairy. Survey completions surpassed expectations with 204 completions.
Students thoughts on dairy sustainability and nutrition

The findings from K-State are aligned with Midwest Dairy’s Attitudes, Awareness, and Usage Survey across all regions. Ninety-six percent of survey respondents agree that dairy is healthy and nutritious. However, fewer agree that it is environmentally friendly and made from cows that are humanely treated. Despite a lower rating, nearly 3 out of 4 (74 percent) agree that dairy is environmentally friendly.
Another result of participation in the capstone course was forging a new partnership with Call Hall Dairy Bar. With 100 years of dairy processing on campus, Call Hall Dairy Bar sees an opportunity to increase Gen Z’s perceptions of dairy. The Dairy Bar follows a “farm to spoon” principle, thanks to its proximity to Call Hall Dairy Plant, which is supplied with milk from the University’s dairy farm. A new electronic ice cream cart features Undeniably Dairy awareness, another outcome of the partnership. The cart is a win-win for both organizations and allows Call Hall Dairy Bar to continue serving scoops during its upcoming renovation.
Midwest Dairy is planning to be back on campus this November, partnering with Call Hall Dairy Bar and student involvement from K-State Dairy Science and Bakery Science Clubs. Milk and cookies … a classic pairing that’s Too Good to Forget!