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National Dairy Month farmer resources

May 23, 2023


1 minute read

June is just around the corner, which means it’s dairy’s time to shine as we celebrate National Dairy Month. Join your dairy farmer peers and Midwest Dairy in the celebration by sharing your farm’s story with family, friends, and the community!

Midwest Dairy has various tools available to help you spill your dairy story on social media, beginning with World Milk Day on June 1st. We also have National Dairy Month badges you can incorporate into your personal social posts, a content calendar filled with creative ideas to help you celebrate on social media, recipes to share, and much more. Additionally, we have event resources and grants to help you with local promotion efforts. Click here to view resources.

We also offer free promotional items to dairy farmers that pay into checkoff, including cow hats, fidget spinners, lip balm, sunglasses, and more. These materials are designed to bring dairy to life in your communities, on your farm, or wherever you connect with consumers.

​​​​​As a proud dairy farmer, you have a powerful story, and we want your help shining a spotlight on dairy across the Midwest region.