Smart Moo-ve Storybook
As a parent and caregiver, you know all too well the challenges associated with mealtime. Through this scavenger hunt storybook, coloring book, and collector cards, you’ll have the tools needed to help teach and engage your children about the importance of eating healthy and the nutrients for energy, strong bones, and those that contribute to overall health and wellness.
To get started, download our fun and interactive digital storybook about Carly and her healthy food friends! To download the storybook, please click here.

Meet the Characters
Ready to meet the entire cast of Smart Moo-ve? Click to meet Ariel, Benny, and the whole crew and download your favorite digital trading cards!

Coloring Fun
Eating foods from all five food groups helps to keep your bone strong, keep you healthy, and give you energy all day long. Download our fun coloring book to learn more about Carly and her friends!

MyPlate Handouts
Download our helpful handouts to discover the food groups needed to nourish a healthy mind and body, including samples of foods from each group.

Strong Bones & Teeth Handout
Growing children and teens need calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Dairy foods provide calcium and high-quality protein, which are important for building peak bone mass into early adulthood.
Download our Strong Bones & Teeth handout to learn more!